Citizen Weather Observer Program  /  NASA-News

Das Citizen Weather Observer Program (CWOP) ermöglicht es Betreibern von automatischen Wetterstationen, ihre Messwerte über Funk oder das Internet an das US-amerikanische Mesonet zu übertragen. Diese Daten werden in weitere Folge aufbereitet und sowohl von der National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) genützt und stehen ebenso für jedermann frei zugänglich über das Internet zur Verfügung.


Diese Anwendung ist sowohl für Funkamateure mit dem eigenen Rufzeichen als auch für Nichtlizensierte nach erfolgreicher Registrierung mit zugeteilter Kennung möglich.


Die Registrierung zur Erlangung der erforderlichen individuellen Kennung erfolgt über die

Citizen Weather Program Registration.


Das Format für die im APRSWXNET übertragenen Daten beruht auf der APRS-Spezifikation, wobei die Werte in direkt lesbarer Form, jedoch im angloamerikanischen Maßsystem vorliegen.




Daten, welche über dieses System übertragen werden, enthalten Datensätze, welche an nachstehendem Beispiel  erklärt werden:






Enthaltene Daten


DW1234 CWOP-Kennung oder Amateurfunkrufzeichen der Wetterstation
APRS,TCPXX*,qAX,CWOP-1:@ APRS-spezifische Angaben zu Datenpfad (hier: APRS via TCP/IP) und -darstellung
040822z Zeitstempel der Messung (Format: HHMMSS, bezogen auf Zulu-Zeit)
4924.23N/00843.63E Standort der Wetterstation (WGS-84-Koordinaten)
_211/011 Windrichtung in Grad und Windgeschwindigkeit (in mph)
g014 Windgeschwindigkeit in Böen (in mph)
t033 Lufttemperatur in °Fahrenheit
r000 Niederschlagsmenge in der letzten Stunde (in 1/100 Zoll)
P000 Niederschlagsmenge seit Mitternacht (in 1/100 Zoll)
p000 Niederschlagsmenge in den letzten 24 Stunden (in 1/100 Zoll)
h99 relative Luftfeuchtigkeit (in Prozent)
b10142 Luftdruck (in 1/10 Hektopascal)
.PCWS2.93.17E31 Angaben zur eingesetzten Technik und/oder Software (hier: "PC Wetterstation v2.93")
 © wikipedia

Für die Datenerfassung  von der eigenen Wetterstation am PC mit implementierten Möglichkeiten, diese Wetterdaten sowohl in das APRS-Netz als auch an weitere oder andere Plattformen nahezu in Echtzeit zu übertragen, eignet sich die kostenfreie Software CUMULUS besonders gut.


Zudem werden bei CUMULUS zahlreiche verschiedene Typen von Wetterstationen unterstützt. Die Verbindung einer Wetterstation zum PC erfolgt über eine serielle oder USB-Schnittstelle.

Cumulus Weather Station Software
Cumulus Weather Station Software - kostenfreie Software für zahlreiche Wetterstationen und Anwendungen
exe File 4.5 MB

Speziell für die Übertragung in das APRS-Netz sowie zu der Wetterplattform Weatherunderground sind auch Ethernet-Interfaces verfügbar, welche die Wetterdatenübertragung ohne PC durchführen.


Erforderlich ist meist ein LAN-Anschluss sowie eine RS-232-Verbindung (serielle Schnittstelle) zur Wetterstation (z.B. Peet Bros Ultimeter, WS 2300, WS 2307, WS 2350).


Ein Beispiel für ein solches Interface ist das WXEth 2.0 von Microsat:

Download von Konfigurationsanleitungen für geeignete Programme für CWOP:

CUMULUS (Englisch)
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 629.2 KB
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 730.9 KB
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 1.4 MB
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 565.4 KB
WxDISPLAY (Englisch)
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 799.2 KB


NASA - Bild des Tages von verschiedenen Missionen:

NASA Image of the Day

A Stellar Bouquet (Fr, 14 Feb 2025)
This composite image contains the deepest X-ray image ever made of the spectacular star forming region called 30 Doradus. By combining X-ray data from NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory (blue and green) with optical data from NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope (yellow) and radio data from the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (orange), this stellar arrangement comes alive.
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Giving NASA's CADRE a Hand (Thu, 13 Feb 2025)
One of three small lunar rovers that are part of a NASA technology demonstration called CADRE (Cooperative Autonomous Distributed Robotic Exploration) is prepared for shipping in a clean room at the agency's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California on Jan. 29, 2025.
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A Rainbow-colored “Feather” in the Martian Sky (Wed, 12 Feb 2025)
NASA's Curiosity Mars rover captured this feather-shaped iridescent cloud just after sunset on Jan. 27, 2023, the 3,724th Martian day, or sol, of the mission. Studying the colors in iridescent clouds tells scientists something about particle size within the clouds and how they grow over time. These clouds were captured as part of a follow-on imaging campaign to study noctilucent, or "night-shining" clouds, which started in 2021. This scene made up of 28 individual images captured by the rover's Mast Camera, or Mastcam.
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Space Shuttle Endeavour Takes Flight (Tue, 11 Feb 2025)
The brilliant exhaust from the solid rocket boosters (center) and blue mach diamonds from the main engine nozzles mark the launch of Space Shuttle Endeavour from Launch Pad 39A on Feb. 11, 2000.
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Mount Everest from Space (Mon, 10 Feb 2025)
This view from space shuttle Columbia shows Mount Everest, which reaches 29,028 feet in elevation (8,848 meters), along with many glaciers. Mount Everest is to the left of the V-shaped valley.
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Golden Moon over the Superdome (Fri, 07 Feb 2025)
The full moon rises over the Superdome and the city of New Orleans, Louisiana on Monday evening, January 13, 2025. The Wolf Moon, also known as the Ice or Cold Moon, was full at 5:27 p.m. EST. New Orleans is home to NASA’s Michoud Assembly Facility where several pieces of hardware for the SLS (Space Launch System) are being built.
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Robot Gets a Grip (Thu, 06 Feb 2025)
The blue tentacle-like arms containing gecko-like adhesive pads, attached to an Astrobee robotic free-flyer, reach out and grapple a "capture cube" inside the International Space Station's Kibo laboratory module. The experimental grippers, outfitted on the toaster-sized Astrobee, demonstrated autonomous detection and capture techniques that may be used to remove space debris and service satellites in low Earth orbit.
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Apollo 14 Moon Landing (Wed, 05 Feb 2025)
An excellent view of the Apollo 14 lunar module on the Moon, as photographed during the first Apollo 14 moonwalk on the lunar surface. The astronauts have already deployed the U.S. flag. While astronauts Alan B. Shepard Jr., commander, and Edgar D. Mitchell, lunar module pilot, descended in the lunar module to explore the Moon, astronaut Stuart A. Roosa, command module pilot, remained with the command and service modules in lunar orbit.
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Bullseye! (Tue, 04 Feb 2025)
LEDA 1313424, aptly nicknamed the Bullseye, is two and a half times the size of our Milky Way and has nine rings — six more than any other known galaxy. High-resolution imagery from NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope confirmed eight rings, and data from the W. M. Keck Observatory in Hawaii confirmed a ninth. Hubble and Keck also confirmed which galaxy dove through the Bullseye, creating these rings: the blue dwarf galaxy that sits to its immediate center-left.
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Stacking Artemis II (Mon, 03 Feb 2025)
Engineers and technicians with NASA’s Exploration Ground Systems Program prepare to lift the left center center booster segment shown with the iconic NASA “worm” insignia for the agency’s SLS (Space Launch System) rocket to the Vehicle Assembly Building at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida on Friday, Jan. 24, 2025.
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Building an Antenna (Fri, 31 Jan 2025)
A crane lowers the 112-foot-wide (34-meter-wide) steel framework for the Deep Space Station 23 (DSS-23) reflector dish into position on Dec. 18, 2024, at the Deep Space Network's Goldstone Space Communications Complex near Barstow, California. A multi-frequency beam waveguide antenna, DSS-23 will boost the DSN's capacity and enhance NASA's deep space communications capabilities for decades to come.
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SPHEREx’s Concentric Cones (Thu, 30 Jan 2025)
NASA's SPHEREx observatory is oriented in a horizontal position, revealing all three layers of photon shields as well as the telescope. This photo was taken at BAE Systems in Boulder, Colorado, in April 2024. Short for Spectro-Photometer for the History of the Universe, Epoch of Reionization and Ices Explorer, SPHEREx will create a map of the cosmos like no other. Using a technique called spectroscopy to image the entire sky in 102 wavelengths of infrared light, SPHEREx will gather information about the composition of and distance to millions of galaxies and stars. With this map, scientists will study what happened in the first fraction of a second after the big bang, how galaxies formed and evolved, and the origins of water in planetary systems in our galaxy.
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Geyser Season on Mars (Wed, 29 Jan 2025)
Springtime in the South Polar region of Mars is a season of exciting activity. The thick coating of carbon dioxide ice that accumulated over the winter begins to sublimate (turn to vapor) as the sun rises higher in the sky and warms the ice. Sunlight penetrates through the transparent ice, and is absorbed at the base of the ice layer. The gas that forms as a result of the warming escapes through weaknesses in the ice and erupts in the form of magnificent geysers of gas and dust.
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Wolf Moon in Washington (Tue, 28 Jan 2025)
The full Moon, also known in January as the Wolf Moon, rises above the Lincoln Memorial and the Memorial Bridge, Monday, Jan. 13, 2025, as seen from Arlington, Virginia.
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Get My Good Side (Mon, 27 Jan 2025)
An inquisitive sandhill crane approaches the photographer near the Vehicle Assembly Building at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida on March 24, 2021. Kennedy shares space with the Merritt Island National Wildlife refuge, which is home to more than 1,000 species of plants, 117 species of fish, 68 amphibians and reptiles, 330 birds, and 31 different mammals. The refuge provides a favorable environment for sandhill cranes as it contains shallow freshwater habitats for nesting, along with a variety of vegetation and prey to feed on.
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Hubble Studies the Tarantula Nebula’s Outskirts (Fri, 24 Jan 2025)
This NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image features a dusty yet sparkling scene from one of the Milky Way’s satellite galaxies, the Large Magellanic Cloud. The Large Magellanic Cloud is a dwarf galaxy situated about 160,000 light-years away in the constellations Dorado and Mensa.
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Artist’s Concept of Gemini Spacecraft (Wed, 22 Jan 2025)
This is an artist's concept of a two-person Gemini spacecraft in flight, showing a cutaway view. The Gemini program was designed as a bridge between the Mercury and Apollo programs.
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Suni Williams Conducts Spacewalk (Tue, 21 Jan 2025)
NASA astronaut and Expedition 72 commander Suni Williams is pictured during a spacewalk outside the International Space Station where she replaced a rate gyro assembly that helps maintain the orientation of the orbital outpost.
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Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial (Fri, 17 Jan 2025)
The Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial is seen in the foreground with the Washington Monument in the background, Sunday, Jan. 5, 2025, in Washington. The memorial covers four acres and includes the Stone of Hope, a granite statue of civil rights movement leader Martin Luther King Jr. carved by sculptor Lei Yixin.
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Hubble Reveals Jupiter in Ultraviolet Light (Thu, 16 Jan 2025)
Released on Nov. 3, 2023, in honor of Jupiter reaching opposition, which occurs when the planet and the Sun are in opposite sides of the sky, this view of the gas giant planet includes the iconic, massive storm called the “Great Red Spot.”
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Langley’s Propeller Research Tunnel (Wed, 15 Jan 2025)
Chief of aerodynamics Elton W. Miller ponders the future of the Sperry M-1 Messenger, the first full-scale airplane tested in the Propeller Research Tunnel. Miller was one of the designers of the Propeller Research Tunnel.
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Best of 2024: Dinosaur Prepared to Safely Watch Solar Eclipse (Tue, 14 Jan 2025)
A visitor takes a picture of a sculpture of an adult Alamosaurus wearing solar glasses outside of The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis, Saturday, April 6, 2024, in Indianapolis, Ind. On Monday, April 8, 2024, a total solar eclipse swept across a narrow portion of the North American continent from Mexico’s Pacific coast to the Atlantic coast of Newfoundland, Canada.
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Earth in Far-Ultraviolet (Mon, 13 Jan 2025)
A color enhancement of a far-ultraviolet photo of Earth taken by astronaut John W. Young, commander, with the ultraviolet camera on April 21, 1972. The original black-and-white photo was printed on Agfacontour film three times, each exposure recording only one light level. The three light levels were then colored blue (dimmest), green (next brightest), and red (brightest).
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Los Angeles Fires Seen from International Space Station (Fri, 10 Jan 2025)
On Jan. 10, 2025, NASA astronaut Don Pettit posted two images of the Los Angeles fires from the International Space Station.
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Laboratory Director Tawnya Plummer Laughinghouse (Wed, 08 Jan 2025)
"As a young college student, it was the first time I ever faced [this situation], and it buckled me. It set me back until I realized that I could do it and that my worth wasn't based on what someone else thought of me or my abilities…If I had pulled myself out of that STEM major, I would never have been managing a technology demonstration program for NASA that launched ten technologies into space.” – Tawnya Plummer Laughinghouse, Director of the Materials and Processes Laboratory, Engineering Directorate, NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center
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Best of 2024: Reestablished NASA Art Program Begins with Mural in New York City (Tue, 07 Jan 2025)
The New York-based artist team Geraluz, left, and WERC, right, and their son Amaru Alvarez, 5, pose for picture with the mural “To the Moon, and Back” by the artist team that was created as part of the reimagined NASA Art Program, Tuesday, September 24, 2024, at 350 Hudson Street in New York City. The murals use geometrical patterns to invite deeper reflection on the exploration, creativity, and connection with the cosmos.
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Defying Gravity (Mon, 06 Jan 2025)
A test subject being suited up for studies on the Reduced Gravity Walking Simulator located in the hangar at Langley Research Center. The initial version of this simulator was located inside the hangar. Later a larger version would be located at the Lunar Landing Facility.
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Media Day with Artemis II Crews (Fri, 03 Jan 2025)
From left, CSA (Canadian Space Agency) astronaut Jenni Gibbons, NASA astronaut Andre Douglas, CSA astronaut Jeremy Hansen, and NASA astronauts Christina Koch, Victor Glover, and Reid Wiseman participate in a media day event on Monday, Dec. 16, 2024, inside the Vehicle Assembly Building at the agency’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida.
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Best of 2024: Total Solar Eclipse in Indianapolis (Thu, 02 Jan 2025)
A total solar eclipse is seen from the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, Monday, April 8, 2024, in Indianapolis, Indiana. A total solar eclipse swept across a narrow portion of the North American continent from Mexico’s Pacific coast to the Atlantic coast of Newfoundland, Canada. A partial solar eclipse was visible across the entire North American continent along with parts of Central America and Europe.
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Red and Green Aurora Move Through Earth’s Atmosphere (Tue, 31 Dec 2024)
iss072e031823 (Oct. 7, 2024) -- Peering through the window of the SpaceX Dragon Endeavour spacecraft, NASA astronaut Matthew Dominick captured this image of the SpaceX Dragon Freedom spacecraft as vivid green and pink aurora swirled through Earth's atmosphere while the International Space Station soared 273 miles above the Indian Ocean.
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Remembering President Carter (Mon, 30 Dec 2024)
President Carter, wife Rosalynn and daughter Amy are shown a scale model of the crawler that transported the total Shuttle launch configuration to Pad 39 from the Vehicle Assembly Building by NASA's Kennedy Space Center Director, Lee Scherer.
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Hubble Spies a Cosmic Eye (Fri, 27 Dec 2024)
This NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image features the spiral galaxy NGC 2566, which sits 76 million light-years away in the constellation Puppis. A prominent bar of stars stretches across the center of this galaxy, and spiral arms emerge from each end of the bar. Because NGC 2566 appears tilted from our perspective, its disk takes on an almond shape, giving the galaxy the appearance of a cosmic eye.
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NASA Runs X-59 Engine in Maximum Afterburner (Thu, 26 Dec 2024)
NASA’s X-59 quiet supersonic research aircraft completed its first maximum afterburner test at Lockheed Martin’s Skunk Works facility in Palmdale, California. This full-power test, during which the engine generates additional thrust, validates the additional power needed for meeting the testing conditions of the aircraft. The X-59 is the centerpiece of NASA’s Quesst mission, which aims to overcome a major barrier to supersonic flight over land by reducing the noise of sonic booms.
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Hang a Shining Star Upon the Highest Bough (Tue, 24 Dec 2024)
Here is a new version of the “Christmas tree cluster.” NGC 2264 is a cluster of young stars between one and five million years old. (For comparison, the Sun is a middle-aged star about 5 billion years old – about 1,000 times older.)
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Commercial Moon Rovers Under Test (Mon, 23 Dec 2024)
Through NASA’s Artemis campaign, astronauts will land on the lunar surface and use a new generation of spacesuits and rovers as they live, work, and conduct science in the Moon’s South Pole region, exploring more of the lunar surface than ever before. Recently, the agency completed the first round of testing on three commercially owned and developed LTVs (Lunar Terrain Vehicle) from Intuitive Machines, Lunar Outpost, and Venturi Astrolab at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston.
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